Nurse-Family Partnership has a strong, sustained presence in Pennsylvania, thanks to bipartisan legislative support and strong local champions.

The first three NFP sites in Pennsylvania were started in 1999 through the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. By 2001, Governor Tom Ridge and the Department of Public Welfare worked together to fund 20 more sites. Today, the Keystone State’s Nurse-Family Partnership serves as a Pennsylvania charity to vulnerable families in 44 counties, thanks to strong bipartisan legislative support for funding this proven program.

Nurse-Family Partnership in Pennsylvania

Nurse-Family Partnership Nurse Home Visitors work with low-income women who are pregnant with their first child, helping these vulnerable young clients achieve healthier pregnancies and births, stronger child development, and a path toward economic self-sufficiency. Nurse-Family Partnership is a rare community health program that has been documented to achieve lasting and significant effects through multiple, well-designed randomized, controlled trials. More than 37 years of research proves that it works.

To inquire about bringing Nurse-Family Partnership to more communities in Pennsylvania, contact the Nurse-Family Partnership Business Development Manager for Pennsylvania.

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