California’s can-do spirit and creativeness show in the way it brings Nurse-Family Partnership to its most vulnerable citizens.

Nurse-Family Partnership in California began with some of the earliest NFP programs in any American communities, thanks to the U.S. Department of Justice Weed and Seed community revitalization program. From that start in 1996, federal and state funding has been supplemented by prominent California charities to expand the program to 20 counties state-wide.

Nurse-Family Partnership in California

California communities implementing Nurse-Family Partnership have found it possible to replicate this scientific-based health strategy while also tailoring the program to meet the needs of each community.

To inquire about bringing Nurse-Family Partnership to more communities in California, contact the Nurse-Family Partnership Program Development Specialist

NFP: Outcomes, Costs and Return on Investment in California.

How Investing in NFP Produces Savings in California.

19 Ways NFP is Projected to Affect CA Families’ Life Status & Financial Outcomes.

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