family holidayWith the holidays here and the new year rapidly approaching, my family and I like to take time for gratitude. We have much to be grateful for and want to give back accordingly. We’ve served meals at the homeless shelter, volunteered with underprivileged youth and donated financially as we value giving back as individuals and as a family.

As my daughters approach adulthood I think back to my first job after college graduation. I became an in-home visitor for a nursing organization specializing in end of life care for patients. I always considered it an honor to be with these individuals to support them during one of the most difficult times in the story of their lives. During my time visiting families, it became clear that the more support the patient received, the higher the spirits and attitudes of everyone involved were. Often, the barometer of the quality of care the person receives is in direct proportion to the enthusiasm level (or lack thereof) of the family and caretakers. Creating community alleviates the social isolation experienced with the sense of having to do it alone.

giving backI was inspired to bring a smile and a positive attitude into every home I entered regardless of the circumstances. Many times, in difficult situations where the patient not only dealt with challenging health issues they often had little to no outside support. It was obvious that any personal contact was meaningful and inspired me to want to give a little more. I arrived with gratitude, offering assistance where needed. Whether asked to move of a piece of furniture, water a plant, or my favorite—hear a life story. Doing just a little more demonstrated how each individual is valuable. Giving this allowed me the opportunity to have a positive impact on my community, while I learned and grew.

volunteeringMy wife, Ashley, and I share the belief that doing a little more or giving a little more makes an essential impact. Whether giving our time, talent or money, it is done to truly feel invested in the success of the organization and families we support. When people feel a connection, they are compelled to action, creating positive change. With gratitude, I can say my work at Nurse-Family Partnership is not a job but an investment in the future of our children, families and communities.  This is why my wife and I give to Nurse-Family Partnership every year. Each time we give a little more in order to make more of an impact. We believe if everyone gave just a little more, real change happens. This investment pays off for everyone and together we can make a bigger difference.

gratitudeEvery donation to Nurse-Family Partnership gives a family the opportunity to rewrite their story. By providing a free, personal nurse to first-time moms in poverty, evidence shows that the entire family benefits today as well as for generations to come. As we share, celebrate and create holiday traditions and stories, we connect with those who give and those who need—bringing us all together to elevate our communities. These acts give purpose to our lives.

May your holidays be filled with love, health and joy as you and yours celebrate family traditions.

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