Hello Everyone,

I’m excited we’re launching our blog and doing it during National Nurses Week makes it extra special. Prior to my appointment as President and CEO, I began with Nurse-Family Partnership’s National Service Office as chief operating officer and traveled the country spending time with our nurses. The stories I heard and the home visits I saw moved me in a way that I knew I needed to share these experiences. This blog is that place. The stories found here will be stories of our nurses, families, funders and everyone committed to ending intergenerational poverty in this country. My hope is that this blog shines a spotlight on the important work being done at Nurse-Family Partnership—messages about those committed to serving families living in poverty and equally committed to alleviating it.

Frank Daidone goes on a home visit in Texas with Nurse-Family Partnership Nurse.One family at a time, I’ve heard stories of Nurse-Family Partnership nurses lifting up the lives of our most vulnerable by developing relationships and creating opportunities for families most at risk. In my short tenure at Nurse-Family Partnership, I watched a nurse in Texas reassure a vulnerable 17-year old mother of two 6-month old twins that she was an amazing mother. I saw a former victim of sex trafficking, now a mother of a two-year old, confidently prepare for graduation. I sat sweating in a tiny attic apartment, occupied by a family of six, as our nurse held a 2-month old baby in her hands determining whether or not the child had a hearing impairment. She referred the child for a screening in the car as we left, giving that child a chance to be developmentally ready for school and a future of learning, engaging and interacting with the world around him. Through their tenacious work and sacrifice, our nurses help shape the future of a child, a family and a community.

280K families served, 42 states, 5x return

I’ve seen a desire for innovation taking place with our legislators and our state partners. There’s a belief, on both sides of the aisle, that together we can create population change for entire communities. Nurse-Family Partnership’s evidence-based approach is how we create sustainable and measurable impact. It is such an honor to be part of Nurse-Family Partnership and I am committed to telling these stories and moving the work forward.

Happy Mother’s Day!



If you have a story of hope and opportunity that you would like shared in this forum, please share it with me by clicking here.

Check out our National Nurses Week stories celebrating Georgie, one of our original Nurse-Family Partnership nurses from Elmira, NY, and China, a Nurse-Family Partnership graduate who is now a Nurse-Family Partnership nurse.

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