Nine out of 10 women in the Texas Nurse-Family Partnership program have delivered their first baby full-term and at a healthy weight. These results and others show that this proven program is helping vulnerable Texas families get off to a good start.
Nurse-Family Partnership is a rare community health program that has been documented to achieve lasting significant effects through multiple, well-designed randomized, controlled trials. More than 37 years of research proves that it works. This evidence shows our clients — low-income, first-time mothers — that if they follow the program and work with their nurse, they can transform their lives and the lives of their children.
Why does it work? By empowering women to become the mothers and role models they want to be, Nurse-Family Partnership, as a Texas charity helps children get on a healthy path to success.
Nurse-Family Partnership in Texas
In 2006, The Dallas Foundation and TexProtects were instrumental in bringing the first Nurse-Family Partnership to Texas at the YWCA of Metropolitan Dallas. In 2007, the Texas legislature established a statewide grant program that has resulted in Nurse-Family Partnership programs in 28 counties.
NFP local Agencies in Texas include city and county public health departments, private child welfare agencies, child abuse prevention programs, agencies serving economically disadvantaged women, hospital systems, a University School of Nursing and a Medicaid managed care plan.
To inquire about bringing Nurse-Family Partnership to more communities in Texas, contact the Nurse-Family Partnership Business Development Manager for Texas.
New Texas Executive Director Kim Griffin