Bringing the NFP program to The Ocean State meant relying on strong, collaborative relationships.

In 2005, the Successful Start Steering Committee — Rhode Island’s Early Childhood Comprehensive System planning group — identified establishing an NFP program as one if its core strategies. Several groups and organizations were instrumental in then bringing Nurse-Family Partnership to Rhode Island. These included Rhode Island KIDS COUNT, the leading children’s policy and advocacy organization in the state; Children’s Friend, the local NFP Agency; Bradley/Hasbro Children’s Research Center at Brown University Medical School; several state agencies; and multiple community-based service providers.

Nurse-Family Partnership in Rhode Island

Nurse-Family Partnership is a rare Rhode Island charity health program that has been documented to achieve lasting significant effects through multiple, well-designed randomized, controlled trials. More than 37 years of research proves that it works. This evidence shows our clients — low-income, first-time mothers — that if they follow the program and work with their nurse, they can transform their lives and the lives of their children.

To inquire about bringing Nurse-Family Partnership to more communities in Rhode island, contact the Nurse-Family Partnership Business Development Manager for Rhode Island.

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